Eco Car Club

What is Eco Car Club?

Eco Car Club is the brand of the  Car Club in a Box concept. 

The CCiaB model goes beyond the technical aspects of running transport schemes including:

Tailored Support Packages: designed for the specific needs and capacities of different communities with customisation ensuring the appropriate level of assistance, optimising success.

Streamlined Process: clear and concise six-phase Road Map, guiding communities through an end-to-end process. This structured approach reduces complexity and uncertainty.

Comprehensive Resources: documentation and technology for car club development and operation, eliminating the need for communities to source these resources independently.

Community Interaction: the forum space encourages community interaction and knowledge sharing. Enabling users to connect, share experiences, and learn from each other's successes and challenges.

Local Branding: the Eco Car Club brand ensures a consistent and localised identity for participating communities. Fosters a sense of ownership and pride, strengthens community engagement and commitment.

Inclusivity and Accessibility: targeting rural and peri-urban areas with practical support, promotes inclusivity and accessibility within transportation solutions.


The CCIAB innovative approach not only addresses a pressing rural and peri-urban market need but supports the growth and sustainability of community solutions. 

How do we find out more?

Initial enquires about a Eco Car Club can be sent by 


Or you can request the free step 1 from the CCIAB model 

We can also arrange a visit to your community within our specialist team 

Or offer a Eco Car Club Q&A open evening within your community to find out more